
White Shading: Wall Thickness in inches Gray Shading: Weight per Foot in LBS.

*PIPE SIZE* *O.D. (inches)*  
5 10S 10 20 30 40 STD. 60 80 XH 100 120 140 160 XXH
 1/8 0.405 0.035 0.049 0.049     0.068 0.068   0.095 0.095          
0.1383 0.1863 0.1863     0.2447 0.2447   0.3145 0.3145          
 1/4 0.540 0.049 0.065 0.065     0.088 0.088   0.119 0.119          
0.2570 0.3297 0.3297     0.4248 0.4248   0.5351 0.5351          
 3/8 0.675 0.049 0.065 0.065     0.091 0.091   0.126 0.126          
0.3276 0.4235 0.4235     0.5675 0.5675   0.7388 0.7388          
 1/2 0.840 0.065 0.083 0.083     0.109 0.109   0.147 0.147       0.187 0.294
0.5383 0.6710 0.6710     0.8510 0.8510   1.088 1.088       1.304 1.714
 3/4 1.050 0.065 0.083 0.083     0.113 0.113   0.154 0.154       0.218 0.308
0.6838 0.8572 0.8572     1.131 1.131   1.474 1.474       1.937 2.441
1     1.315 0.065 0.109 0.109     0.133 0.133   0.179 0.179       0.250 0.358
0.8678 1.404 1.404     1.679 1.679   2.172 2.172       2.844 3.659
1 1/4 1.660 0.065 0.109 0.109     0.140 0.140   0.191 0.191       0.250 0.382
1.107 1.806 1.806     2.273 2.273   2.997 2.997       3.765 5.214
1 1/2 1.900 0.065 0.109 0.109     0.145 0.145   0.200 0.200       0.281 0.400
1.274 2.085 2.085     2.718 2.718   3.631 3.361       4.859 6.408
2     2.375 0.065 0.109 0.109     0.154 0.154   0.218 0.218       0.343 0.436
1.604 2.638 2.683     3.653 3.653   5.022 5.022       7.444 9.029
2 1/2 2.875 0.083 0.120 0.120     0.203 0.203   0.276 0.276       0.375 0.552
2.475 3.531 3.531     5.793 5.793   7.661 7.661       10.01 13.70
3     3.500 0.083 0.120 0.120     0.216 0.216   0.300 0.300       0.437 0.600
3.029 4.332 4.332     7.576 7.576   10.25 10.25       14.32 18.58
3 1/2 4.000 0.083 0.120 0.120     0.226 0.226   0.318 0.318         0.636
3.472 4.937 4.937     9.109 9.109   12.51 12.51         22.85
4     4.500 0.083 0.120 0.120     0.237 0.237 0.281 0.337 0.337   0.437   0.531 0.674
3.915 5.613 5.613     10.79 10.79 12.66 14.98 14.98   19.01   22.51 27.54
5     5.563 0.109 0.134 0.134     0.258 0.258   0.375 0.375   0.500   0.625 0.750
6.349 7.770 7.770     14.62 14.62   20.78 20.78   27.04   32.96 38.55
6     6.625 0.109 0.134 0.134     0.280 0.280   0.432 0.432   0.562   0.718 0.864
7.585 9.289 9.289     18.97 18.97   28.57 28.57   36.39   45.30 53.16
8     8.625 0.109 0.148 0.148 0.250 0.277 0.322 0.322 0.406 0.500 0.500 0.593 0.718 0.812 0.906 0.875
9.914 13.40 13.40 22.36 24.70 28.55 28.55 35.64 43.39 43.49 50.87 60.63 67.76 74.69 72.42
9     9.625             0.342     0.500          
            33.90     48.72          
10     10.750 0.134 0.165 0.165 0.250 0.307 0.365 0.365 0.500 0.593 0.500 0.718 0.843 1.000 1.125  
15.19 18.65 18.65 28.04 34.24 40.48 40.48 54.74 64.33 54.74 76.93 89.20 104.0 115.7  
12     12.750 0.165 0.180 0.180 0.250 0.330 0.406 0.375 0.562 0.688 0.500 0.843 1.000 1.125 1.312  
22.18 24.16 24.20 33.38 43.77 53.33 49.56 73.16 88.51 65.42 107.2 125.5 139.7 160.3  
14     14.000   0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.438 0.375 0.593 0.750 0.500 0.937 1.093 1.250 1.406  
  27.73 36.71 45.68 54.57 63.37 54.57 84.91 106.1 72.09 130.7 150.7 170.2 189.1  
16     16.000   0.188 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.500 0.375 0.656 0.844 0.500 1.031 1.218 1.437 1.593  
  31.75 42.05 52.36 62.58 82.77 62.58 107.5 136.5 82.77 164.8 192.3 223.5 245.1  
18     18.000   0.188 0.250 0.312 0.437 0.562 0.375 0.750 0.937 0.500 1.156 1.375 1.562 1.781  
  35.76 47.39 59.03 82.06 104.8 70.59 138.2 170.8 93.45 208.0 244.1 274.2 308.5  
20     20.000   0.218 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.593 0.375 0.812 1.031 0.500 1.280 1.500 1.750 1.968  
  46.05 52.73 78.60 140.1 122.9 78.60 166.4 208.9 104.1 256.1 296.4 341.1 379.0  
22     22.000     0.250 0.375 0.500   0.375 0.875 1.125 0.500 1.375 1.625 1.875 2.125  
    58.07 86.61 114.8   86.61 197.4 250.8 114.8 277.0 353.6 403.0 451.1  
24     24.000   0.250 0.250 0.375 0.562 0.687 0.375 0.968 1.218 0.500 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.343  
  63.41 63.41 94.62 140.8 171.2 94.62 238.1 296.4 125.5 367.4 429.4 483.1 541.9  
26     26.000     0.312 0.500     0.375     0.500          
    85.60 136.2     102.6     136.2          
28     28.000     0.312 0.500 0.625   0.375     0.500          
    92.26 146.8 182.7   110.6     146.8          
30     30.000   0.312 0.312 0.500 0.625   0.375     0.500          
  98.93 98.93 157.5 196.1   118.6     157.5          
32     32.000     0.312 0.500 0.625 0.688 0.375     0.500          
    105.6 168.2 209.4 230.1 126.7     168.2          
34     34.000     0.344 0.500 0.625 0.688 0.375     0.500          
    123.7 178.9 222.8 244.8 134.7     178.9          
36     36.000     0.312 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.375     0.500          
    118.9 189.6 236.1 282.3 142.7     189.6          
42     42.000             0.375     0.500          
            166.7     221.6          
48     48.000             0.375     0.500          
            190.7     253.6          
PDF Download: Gauge Approximate Dimensions
Gauge Approximate Dimensions
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135"
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120"
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105"
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .090"
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .075"
16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .060"
18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .048"
20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .035"
22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .030"
24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .024"
25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020"
26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .018"
28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .015"
PDF Download: Identifying Threads
Thread Type Step 1
Determine Type
Step 2
Determine Pitch
Step 3
Determine Size
Step 4
Define Thread
Parallel 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24 Measure with caliper Size-pitch, type
(3/4-16 (UN/UNF)
(American Pipe)
Tapered 11.5, 14, 18, 27 Compare with profile Size-pitch, typeM
(1/4-18 NPT)
(British Pipe)
Parallel 11, 14, 19, 28 Compare with profile G, size
(British Pipe)
Tapered 11, 14, 19, 28 Compare with profile R, size
Parallel 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 Measure with caliper M, size x pitch
Tapered 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 Measure with caliper M, size x pitch, keg or Taper
(M10 x 1 keg or Taper)
PDF Download: Pipe and Tube Conversions
Inches Millimeters   Tube Gauges (GA) Wall Thickness
3/8" 9.525  
1/2" 12.700   20 GA .035"
5/8" 15.875   18 GA .047"
3/4" 19.050   .049"
1" 25.400   16 GA .060"
1 1/8" 28.575   .062"
1 1/4" 31.750   .065"
1 1/2" 38.100   14 GA .078"
1 5/8" 41.275   .083"
1 3/4" 44.450   12 GA .109"
2" 50.800   11 GA .120"
2 1/4" 57.150   .125"
2 1/2" 63.500   9 GA .140"
3" 76.200   .145"
3 1/2" 88.900   7 GA .180"
4" 101.600   1/4" .250"
Nominal Pipe Size
Actual O.D.
Pipe Schedules = Wall Thickness
Sch 5S Sch 10S Sch 40S
1/4" 0.540 -- .065" .088"
3/8" 0.675 -- .065" .091"
1/2" 0.840 .065" .083" .109"
3/4" 1.050 .065" .083" .113"
1" 1.315 .065" .109" .133"
1 1/4" 1.660 .065" .109" .140"
1 1/2" 1.900 .065" .109" .145"
2" 2.375 .065" .109" .154"
2 1/2" 2.875 .083" .120" .203"
3" 3.500 .083" .120" .216"
3 1/2" 4.000 .083" .120" .226"
4" 4.500 .083" .120" .237"
PDF Download: Pipe Bursting Chart
Pipe Bursting Pressure
  Schedule 5s Schedule 10s Schedule 40s Schedule 80s
Nominal I.P.S (in.) OD (in.) Wall (in.) Pressure
Wall (in.) Pressure
Wall (in.) Pressure
Wall (in.) Pressure
1/8 0.405     0.049 18150 0.068 25175 0.095 35175
1/4 0.540     0.065 18050 0.088 24450 0.119 33050
3/8 0.675     0.065 14450 0.091 20225 0.126 28000
1/2 0.840 0.065 11600 0.083 14825 0.109 19475 0.147 26250
3/4 1.050 0.065 9275 0.083 11850 0.113 16150 0.154 22000
1 1.315 0.065 7425 0.109 12450 0.133 15175 0.179 20425
1 1/4 1.660 0.065 5875 0.109 9850 0.140 12650 0.191 17250
1 1/2 1.900 0.065 5125 0.109 8600 0.145 11450 0.200 15800
2 2.375 0.065 4100 0.109 6875 0.154 9750 0.218 13775
2 1/2 2.875 0.830 4325 0.120 6250 0.203 10600 0.276 14400
3 3.500 0.830 3550 0.120 5150 0.216 9250    
3 1/2 4.000 0.830 3100 0.120 4500 0.226 8475    
4 4.500 0.830 2750 0.120 4000 0.237 7900    
5 5.563 0.830 2950 0.134 3625 0.258 6950    
6 6.625 0.109 2475 0.134 3050 0.280 6350    
8 8.625 0.109 1900 0.148 2575 0.322 5600    
10 10.75 0.134 1875 0.165 2300 0.365 5100    
12 12.75 0.156 1825 0.180 2125 0.375 4400    
14 14.00 0.156 1675 0.188 2025        
16 16.00 0.165 1550 0.188 1775        
18 18.00 0.165 1375 0.188 1575        
20 20.00 0.188 1400 0.218 1625        
24 24.00 0.218 1375 0.250 1550        
30 30.00 0.250 1250 0.312 1550        
PDF Download: Specifications
GRADE Stainless 304 Stainless 316 Stainless 317 Stainless 321 Stainless 347 Duplex 2205
BAR A276/479 A276/479 A276/479 A276/479 A276/479 A/SA182 A/SA479 A/SA276 A/SA193
FITTINGS A403 A403 A403 A403 A403 A/SA182 A/SA815
FLANGES A182 F304 A182 F316 A182 F317 A182 F321 A182 F347 A/SA479 A/SA182
FORGINGS A182 A182 A182 A182 A182 A/SA182
PIPE A312 A312 A312 A312 A312 A/SA790
PLATE A240 A240 A240 A240 A240 A/SA240
TUBE A213/249/269 A213/249/269 A213/249/269 A213/249/269 A213/249/269 A/SA789
PDF Download: Stainless Steel Characteristics
Stainless Steel Characteristics
Stainless Steel Grades Chemical Compostion Principal Elements % Mechanical Properties Annealed Condition
CR NI C Other Elements Tensile PSI Yield PSI Elong. % IN 2" Hardness Rockwell
304 18.00- 8.00-11.00 0.08 max - 85,000 105,000 35,000 55 / 20 B80 Ann
304L 18.00- 8.00-13.00 0.035 max - 80,000 30,000 55 B75
304H 18.00- 8.00-11.00 0.04-0.10 - 85,000 35,000 55 B80
310 24.00- 19.00-22.00 0.15 max - 95,000 45,000 45 B85
316 16.00-18.00 11.00-14.00 0.08 max Mo 2.00- 3.00 85,000 35,000 50 B80
316L 16.00- 18.00 10.00-15.00 0.035 max Mo 2.00- 3.00 75,000 30,000 50 B75
316H 16.00- 18.00 11.00-14.00 0.04-0.10 Mo 2.00- 3.00 85,000 35,000 50 B80
317 18.00- 20.00 11.00-14.00 0.08 max Mo 2.00- 4.00 90,000 40,000 45 B85
321 17.00- 9.00-13.00 0.08 max Ti 5XC-0.60 90,000 35,000 55 B80
347 17.00- 20.00 9.00-13.00 0.08 max Cb + Ta 10XC-1.00 95,000 40,000 50 B85
Physical Properties (Annealed)
Type Density
Specific Elect. Resist OMHS
Specific Heat
Thermal Conduct
BTU/HR SQ FT/˚F (212˚)
Mean Coefficient of
Expansions ˚F
Tension PSI Modulus
of Elasticity
32-312 32-1200
304/304L 0.29 72 0.12 9.4 9.6 x 10 -6 10.4 x 10 -6 28.0 x 10 6 1.003
310 0.29 78 0.12 8.2 8.8 x 10 -6 9.7 x 10 -6 29.0 x 10 6 1.003
316/316L 0.29 74 0.12 9.4 8.9 x 10 -6 10.3 x 10 -6 28.0 x 10 6 1.003
317 0.29 74 0.12 9.4 8.9 x 10 -6 10.3 x 10 -6 28.0 x 10 6 1.003
321 0.29 72 0.12 9.3 9.3 x 10 -6 10.7 x 10 -6 28.0 x 10 6 1.003
347 0.29 73 0.12 9.3 9.3 x 10 -6 10.6 x 10 -6 28.0 x 10 6 1.003
21-6-9 0.29 - 0.12 9.5 9.3 x 10 -6 - 28.5 x 10 6 1.002
4 Major Types of Stainless Steel Description Common Uses
Austenitic most widely used, 7% Nickel Content, Flexible, not hardenable by heat treating houseware products, industrial piping and vessels, constructional structures, architectural facades
Ferritic better corrosion resistance than mild steel, similar properties to mild steel washing machines, boilers, indoor architecture
Martensitic very strong steel, ~13% Chromium, Duplex: higher resistance to chloride than austenitic, contains about 22-25% Chrome and 5% Nickel with Moly and Nitrogen. knives and turbine blades, Duplex: chemical plants and piping applications
Precipitation Hardening Chrome-Nickel Stainless, contain alloying additions like: aluminum, copper or titanium, allows for steels to be hardened by a solution of aging treatment. can be either austenitic or martensitic in ages condition, commonly used in aerospace and energy industries
Subtypes Major Type Description Common Uses
303 Austenitic most machinable of austenitic ss grades, added sulfur to enhance machinability, resistant to atmospheric corrosion, food products, sterilization solutions, organic and inorganic chemicals shafts, valve bodies, valve trim and food industry applications
304 Austenitic most common stainless, low carbon austenitic alloy, contains max .03% of carbon, minimizes carbide precipitation during welding welding, shafts, valve bodies, valve trim and food industry applications
310 Austenitic superb high temperature properties, good ductility and weldability, resists oxidation in continuous service at a temp up to 1150˚C without the presence of sulfur gases, can be used for intermittent service at temperature 1040˚C molten salt, sulfur bearing gas, heat exchanger and recuperator tubing
316 Austenitic second most common ss, added moly to prevent specific forms of corrosion, carbon is kept at .03% max to show minimized carbide precipitation, decreased sulfur, resistant to chloride corrosion electro-polishing, welding, marine applications, textile industry, food industry, watches, pharmaceutical equipment, valve bodies, bleaching and dying equipment
317 Austenitic molybdenum-bearing austenitic chrome nickel, higher alloy content than 316 ss developed to resist the attack of sulfurous acid compounds
321 Austenitic titanium bearing stainless, stabilized against carbide precipitation, combines with titanium in higher temperatures to form harmless titanium carbide, chrome maintains full corrosion resistance, titanium added at least 5x carbon plus nitrogen contents aircraft exhaust stacks, manifolds, chemical processing equipment, welding, jet engine parts
347 Austenitic columbium/tantalum stabilized austenitic ss, good intergranular-corrosion, resistant to atmospheric conditions aircraft exhausts, expansion joints, high chemical processing, should be considered for application in intermittent heating between 800˚F and 1650˚F
410 Martensitic hardenable martensitic alloy, good corrosion resistance, designed for high stress parts that need high ductility and corrosion resistance for working temps up to 1200˚F, blades, buckets, steam turbines, turbine wheels, valves, aircraft parts, pumps, and pump shafts
416 Martensitic highest machinability of any ss, made up of ~85% of a free-machining carbon steel, added sulfur to form manganese sulfide inclusions, less corrosion resistance than 410 welding, used in hardened/unhardened and highly tempered conditions because of low cost and ready machinability
630 Precipitation Hardening Chromium-copper precipitation hardening stainless steel, high strength is maintained to approx. 316˚C used for applications requiring high strength and a moderate level of corrosion resistance
17-4 PH Precipitation Hardening precipitation hardening martensitic ss, with Cu and Nb/Co additions, high strength, hardness (in temps up to 572˚F/300˚C) , and adequate corrosion resistance  aircraft and aerospace materials, fasteners, base plates, oil and petroleum refining equipment
15-5 PH Precipitation Hardening martensitic precipitation hardened steel, offers high strength, excellent corrosion resistance, similar properties to 17-4 ph., more chemically balanced valve parts, paper mills, aircraft, power generation chemical processing, nuclear and space craft
904L Austenitic non-stabilized low carbon high alloy austenitic ss, added copper for improved resistance, highly resistant to chloride attack, non-magnetic in all conditions, excellent weldability and formability used less due to cheaper substitute duplex stainless steel 2205 (S31803 or S32205)
2205 Austenitic and Ferritic Duplex 2205, has microstructure that contains both austenitic and ferritic phases, good strength and corrosion resistance, twice the strength of typical austenitic stainless oil, pump and pump parts, valves, chemical and paper manufacturing
2507 Austenitic and Ferritic Super Duplex 2507®; similar to UNS S31803 Duplex; longer lifespan, higher corrosion resistance; composed of: 24-26% of chromium, 6-8% nickel, 3% molybdenum, 1.2% manganese; more cost effective than high nickel alloys, high level of thermal conductivity  oil and gas, chemical processing, desalination equipment, paper mill equipment, hydraulic and instrumentation products
Alloy 20 Austenitic super-austenitic stainless alloy, max corrosion resistance to sulfuric acid and other aggressive environments, nickel-iron-chromium based alloy with additions of copper and molybdenum pharmaceuticals, food, explosives, chemical processing, petroleum refinement
Nickel 200 - essentially pure nickel, good corrosion resistance, ferromagnetic, low electrical resistivity food handling equipment, caustic solution, for devices requiring magnetic actuated parts
Nickel 201 - low carbon modification of Nickel 200, preferred over Nickel 200 in temps above 600˚F (315˚F) for electronic industry at temps up to 1200˚F (649˚C)
Alloys Alloy Type Description Common Uses
Alloy 400 Monel, nickel/copper alloy machinable, easily fabricated, excellent strength, corrosion resistance, ductility, and weldability areas with salt water and brackish water, not susceptible to stress corrosion cracking
Alloy 600 Inconel, nickel/chrome/iron alloy acid resistant, high strength & good workability under various temperatures, resistance to corrosion and heat jet engines, super heaters, food processing, steam generators
Alloy 625 UNS N06625, nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy high strength in temps up to 1500˚F, oxidation resistance up to 1800˚F, good corrosion resistance aerospace and marine engineering, chemical processing, pollution-control equipment, nuclear reactors
Alloy 800 Incoloy, nickel-iron/chrome alloy + copper and moly general corrosion resistance, pitting and crevice corrosion in chemicals containing chlorides, sulfuric, nitric, and phosphoric acids tanks, piping, heat exchangers, pumps, valves
Alloy 825 titanium stabilized austenitic nickel/iron/chrome alloy + copper and moly resistance to oxidizing and non-oxidizing hot acids, resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion salt-water cooled heat exchangers, offshore piping tube systems, evaporators, scrubbers
Alloy C-276 Hastelloy, nickel-molly-chrome alloy + tungsten corrosion resistant, resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion, resists stress corrosion cracking, oxidation resistant up to 1900˚F  tanks, piping, heat exchangers, pumps, valves
PDF Download: Thread Compatibility
Thread System Name Compatibility Seal Method
BSPP British Standard Pipe Parallel Male BSPP with Female BSPP
Female BSPP with Male BSPP
Female BSPP with Male BSPTr
BSPTr British Standard Pipe Taper Male BSPTr with Female BSPTr
Male BSPTr with Female BSPP
Female BSPTr with Male BSPTr
IPS Iron Pipe Straight Thread Generic Name for Straight Pipe Thread
See NPSH for compatibility
IPT Iron Pipe Thread Generic Name for All Pipe Thread
More information required
NH or NST American Standard Fire Hose Coupling Thread
(National Hose thread also known
as National Standard Thread)
Male NH (NST) with Female NH (NST)
Female NH (NST) with Male NH (NST)
Not compatible with other systems
NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread
(National Pipe Tapered)
Male NPT with Female NPT
Male NPT with Female NPTF
Male NPT with Female NPSM
Male NPT with Female NPSH
Female NPT with Male NPT
Female NPT with Male NPTF
NPSM American Standard Straight Mechanical Joints
(National Pipe Straight Mechanical)
Male NPSM with Female NPSM
Male NPSM with Female NPSH
Female NPSM with Male NPSM
Female NPSM with Male NPT
Female NPSM with Male NPTF
Seal can be either mechanical or washer. Mating fittings must be of same type
SIPT Straight Iron Pipe Thread Generic Name for Straight Pipe Thread Washer
TIPT Tapered Iron Pipe Thread Generic Name for Tapered Pipe Thread Thread
PDF Download: Trim Number Chart
API 600 Number Chart
Important Note: Data provided in this chart is for informational purposes only.
API Trim Number Material Seat/disc Backseat Stem Notes
1 410 410 410 410 410
2 304 304 304 304 304
3 F310 310 310 310 310
4 Hard F410 Hard 410 Hard 410 410 410 Seats 750 BHN min.
5 Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 410 410
5A Hardfaced Ni-Cr Ni-Cr 410 410
6 410 and Cu-Ni Cu-Ni Cu-Ni 410 410
7 410 and Hard 410 Hard 410 Hard 410 410 410 Seats 750 BHN min.
8 410 and Hardfaced Stellite 410 410 410
8A 410 and Hardfaced Ni-Cr 410 410 410
9 Monel Monel Monel Monel Monel
10 316 316 316 316 316
11 Monel and Hardfaced Stellite Monel Monel Monel
12 316 and Hardfaced Stellite 316 316 316
13 Alloy 20 Alloy 20 Alloy 20 Alloy 20 Alloy 20
14 Alloy 20 and Hardfaced Stellite Alloy 20 Alloy 20 Alloy 20
15 304 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 304 304
16 316 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 316 316
17 347 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite 347 347
18 Alloy 20 and Hardfaced Stellite Stellite Alloy 20 Alloy 20
Forging Casting
A105 WCB
F11 WC6
A182-F22 WC9
A182-F5 C5
A182-F9 C12
F304 CF8
F340L CF3
F316 CF8M
F316L CF3M
F317 CG8M
F347H CF8C
Alloy 20 CN7M
Duplex 2205 CD3MN
Hastelloy C CW12MW
Monel 400 M35-1
Inconel 600 CY40-1
Nickel 200 CZ100
Inconel 625 CW6MC
Incoloy 825 CU5MCUC
Tube Theoretical Bursting Pressure
ODWall Thickness
(in.) 0.016 0.020 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.065 0.083 0.095 0.109 0.120 0.134 0.156 0.188 0.250 0.313 0.375 0.500 0.750
1/16 38,400 48,000
1/8 19,200 24,000 39,000 42,000 58,800 Working pressures for 304/L and 316/L
A269 tubing between -20˚ and 100˚ F.
3/16 12,800 15,998 22,403 29,498 39,203 51,863
1/4 12,000 16,800 21,000 29,400 39,000 49,800 57,000 The ASME code suggests a safety factor of four.
[1/4" OD. X .035 = 5250 PSI]
5/16 9,600 13,440 16,800 23,520 31,200 39,780 45,750
3/8 8,003 11,998 14,003 19,598 26,003 33,203 38,003 43,598 48,000 For higher temperatures,
multiply working pressure by the following:
7/16 6,857 9,600 12,000 16,800 22,285 28,457 32,571 37,371 41,143
1/2 6,000 8,400 10,500 14,700 19,500 24,900 28,500 32,700 36,000 300˚F 500˚F 1000˚F
9/16 5,333 7,467 9,333 13,067 17,333 22,133 25,333 29,066 32,000 304/L 0.828 0.744 0.665
5/8 4,800 6,720 8,400 11,760 15,600 19,920 22,888 26,160 28,800 32,160 37,440 44,880 316/L 0.900 0.853 0.746
3/4 3,998 5,603 6,998 9,803 12,997 16,598 18,998 21,803 24,000 26,800 31,200 37,403
7/8 3,428 4,800 6,000 8,400 11,145 14,228 16,283 18,683 20,573 22,971 26,745 32,055
1 3,000 4,200 5,250 7,350 9,750 12,450 14,250 16,350 18,000 20,100 23,400 28,050 37,500
1 1/8 2,663 3,735 4,665 6,533 8,670 11,070 12,668 14,535 15,998 17,866 20,798 24,930 33,330
1 1/4 2,400 3,360 4,200 5,880 7,800 9,960 11,400 13,080 14,400 16,080 18,720 22,440 30,000
1 3/8 3,053 3,818 5,348 7,087 9,053 10,365 11,888 13,088 14,618 17,018 20,400 27,270
1 1/2 2,948 3,503 4,898 6,503 8,303 9,503 10,890 12,000 13,400 15,600 18,698 24,998
1 5/8 3,230 4,523 6,000 7,662 8,769 10,062 11,077 12,369 14,400 17,354 23,077
1 3/4 3,000 4,200 5,573 7,118 8,145 9,345 10,283 11,486 13,373 16,028 21,428
2 2,625 3,675 4,875 6,225 7,125 8,175 9,000 10,050 11,700 14,025 18,750 23,475 28,125 37,500
2 1/4 2,333 3,270 4,335 5,535 6,330 7,268 8,003 8,933 10,403 12,465 16,665 20,865 24,998 33,330
2 1/2 2,100 2,940 3,900 4,980 5,700 6,540 7,200 8,040 9,360 11,220 15,000 18,780 22,500 30,000
2 3/4 1,913 2,670 3,548 4,530 5,183 5,948 6,548 7,309 8,513 10,200 13,636 17,070 20,453 27,270 40,913
3 1,748 2,453 3,248 4,148 4,748 5,453 6,000 6,700 7,800 9,353 12,503 15,653 18,750 24,998 37,500
3 1/4 3,000 3,833 4,388 5,033 5,535 6,185 7,200 8,633 11,535 14,445 17,310 23,078 34,613
3 1/2 2,783 3,555 4,073 4,673 5,145 5,743 6,683 8,018 10,718 13,418 16,073 21,428 32,146
3 3/4 2,603 3,323 3,803 4,358 4,800 5,360 6,240 7,478 9,998 12,518 15,000 20,003 30,000
4 2,438 3,113 3,563 4,088 4,500 5,025 5,850 7,013 9,375 11,738 14,063 18,750 28,125
PDF Download: ANSI to DIN Conversion Chart
ANSI (Common US
Pipe Standard) Inch
DIN Number (mm)
1/2 15
3/4 20
1 25
1-1/4 32
1-1/2 40
2 50
2-1/2 65
3 80
4 100
5 125
6 150
7 175
8 200
9 225
10 250
12 300
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